Thursday, January 10, 2013

Module 3 Blog


Rheingold proposes the network structure developed by the Internet enhanced communication and sharing of different types of resources. Learners can receive instant feedback and immediate results through collaboration according to Rheingold, 2008. I strongly agree with his assessment. The speaker explains how the use of technology and the Internet have provided many opportunities for all students to be able to use collaboration in meaningful leaning experience.  

Do you believe that humans have a basic instinct to “interact and work as a group,” as Rheingold proposed in his discussion of the evolution of Wikipedia as a collectively developed encyclopedia?

Rheingold support the fact that humans succeed through collaborative effort and when they all work in concert. I tend to agree with this statement. The process and development of Open Universities and Open software resources support the fact that there is a consistent effort for people wanting to work in harmony. The constructivist approach to learning is facilitated by the internet because the theory focuses on making connections and making meaning in the learning process. Technology like internet links together individuals who want to share common goals and interest.  The internet also enables distance learning by connecting people separated by time and space. It helps to promotes peer learning by bringing learners together in the same space so that they can share their knowledge and insights, communicating with each other to help each other learn. Effective communications will help to support mixed cultures, varying learning styles, abilities, and socioeconomic status. If web-based courses are designed with a constructivist approach in mind, the learners will be encouraged through self-directed learning. I believe that Wikipedia is a great informative website that provides a vast amount of information, and it is a website that is not accepted by many as a credible site.

How can technology facilitate collaboration among learners based on constructivist principles?

“Constructivist instruction emphasizes problem solving, critical thinking, reasoning, and evaluation” (Driscoll, 2005). Technologies such as skype, wikis, email, Google documents, and blogs are some of the technological tools that would facilitate collaboration based on constructivist principles. My second grade students love to use the promethean board and online game playing that is common core standard based. However, it is important that students receive proper training to learn how to use these tools effectively. New technology is advanced in this era; many students can be ready to use these tools to collaborate with other students in a common core standard based learning environment. “Pedagogical benefits of collaborative learning include the following: transformation learning, development of critical thinking skills, co-creation of knowledge and meaning, and reflection, and (Palloff & Pratt, 2005).

Find a current research study that has been conducted in the last 5 years that supports collaboration as an effective tool for learning. Include the link and reference for this study in your blog.

I have discovered that “Creating Effective Collaborative Learning Groups in an Online Environment” is the topic of this current research conducted in 2009. The URL to this article is This article was from the observations of assessments that were positive due to the effectiveness of small collaborative learning groups in online classes or in an online learning environment. Collaboration has helped the sense of community, and knowledge.



Bernhard, J. G. (1988). Primates in the classroom: An evolutionary perspective on children’s education. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press.

Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed). Boston MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2005). Collaborating online: Learning together in community. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Rheingold, H. (2008, February). Howard Rehingold on collaboration. Vodcast posted to


















































  1. Yolandria,

    Great article in your post. I agree that new technology has added another tool for teaching students about collaboration. Some benefit to collaboration is the development of social interaction, critical analysis, and management development in our students.

    The article by Brindley, Walti and Blaschke (2009) is informative and provides some great great strategies for encouraging collaboration in any classroom.

    The tools we use are great; however, the learning objectives are the value of education, while the technology helps us meet these objectives.

    Where do you see the gaps in collaborative instruction?


  2. Great article Yolandria,
    I think that it is important for educators to be models for the students that we teach. So, by being able to work and collaborate together with other teachers it shows just that. There is so many available apps out their to help access all an educators need, in order to assist them as a group. I think that this was a great post!

  3. Do you believe that because wikipedia is often viewed as not being a credible sources that this still a good tool for students? Is there a way for this site to be considered credible. What type of advice would you give to a teacher that has to deal with students that do not want to work in collaborative groups?
